Back in the early 2000’s there was a little game released by a tiny games company at the time, you might know them as From Software the creators of Dark Souls. This game was known as ‘Metal Wolf Chaos’, a mech fighting game where you played the president of the United States as he suited up to fight against a robot rebellion led by the vice president, no I am not making any of this up.
The game was considered a cult classic by many, generally for the fact it was only released in Japan however you will of course all be happy to know that Digital Devolver and From Software are remastering the game for PC. All new updated graphics, a widescreen mode and a brand new voiceover in english will all be available in the game when it’s released at some point next year. The concept is so absurd that I may buy it simply for the hilarity factor, let’s just hope they do a good job at remastering it!
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.