I’m sure you all remember the indie darling known as ‘A Hat in Time’, a 3D platformer set to the tune of the mario series which featured it’s own slew of hat-related puns and powers, well now the first piece of DLC has been revealed and is set to be released on September 13th.
The new DLC will add a brand new world for you to run around, complete missions on and generally take in the gorgeous and stylish graphics. The world is set on a cruise ship piloted by seals and a walrus captain that plans to sail around the antartic and take in the beautiful sights. Alongside this new world brand new mission challenges have been added so that you can complete certain worlds with a select variety of criteria such as beating it in a certain amount of time. They are also including a new hard mode for the game, a free co-op dlc and the cherry on top is that if you buy the DLC on launch day you get it for free too!
All of this alongside the incredibly low price point of $5 makes this one of the best DLC deals I have ever seen which is certain to make a large amount of people happy. The developers also talked about the fact that a Switch version of the game is slated to come out too so looks like I will have another game to add to my Switch colelction! If you already have the game then you would be silly not to try out this fantastic addition to the game when it comes out next month!
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.