So it seems as though Heroes of the Storm has taken another blow to its development, although it’s questionable as to whether this is actually a bad thing or not. The current lead developer on the game, Dustin Browder, is moving on to different projects within Blizzard with some speculating that a completely new project could be what he is moving to.
In his place is actually a Blizzard vet by some standards, Alan Dabiri, who has been working at Blizzard for over 20 years now. It’s always worrying to see a project lead step down from a game as many people start to wonder where the game will go with the new person in charge. Heroes of the Storm is a particularly hot topic with this as the gamer itself isn’t doing too well when compared to its competition in the genre such as League of legends or DOTA 2.
Still I’m sure Blizzard know what they are doing and it certainly is interesting to think what this new project Dustin is being shifted onto is. So good luck to you sir, and good luck to the new project lead too, may you do the game service.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.