I recently tried to purchase a good RTS from a charity shop for a very cheap price, unfortunately when I got home I eventually remembered that I didn’t have a disk drive, derp. Nevertheless I looked online to find an alternative and I found a game series that slipped past my radar.
The game I picked up was 8-Bit Armies, a retro-style RTS with gameplay similar to that of old school Command and Conquer. I’ve tried it out and found myself enjoying it even if it does at times become repetative. I found out afterwards that there was a pseudo-sequel called 8-bit Hordes and another sequel/expansion coming Called 8-Bit Invaders! What interested me is that while they were all seperate games the factions within each of them could actually be played against each other if you owned each respective game, a very intriguing concept that seemed to bridge the gap between new games and Expansion packs.
Hopefully I should be able to play the latest game soon and when I do I’ll get a review set up for you all. In the meantime stay tuned, this could be an interesting series. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.