A bit of a quick post today however I thought it would be best to discuss with you all the future of this site. I am aware that I don’t have the biggest audience but for each and every one of you who reads my writing I cannot thank you enough. That’s why I wanted you all to give a say in what you would like to see from this site in terms of content!
Do you want more modern reviews? Retro reviews? Opinion pieces? Anything of the sort I am willing to listen to and take advice on. I want this site to be something we can all enjoy reading and if I know the direction that you all want me to take then it will make things a lot easier in keeping everyone happy. So feel free to share your piece with me either via the comments here or even by email, I am happy to take your requests!
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.