After a week of waiting from the initial delay we finally got to see the newest Nintendo Direct and oh boy was there a lot to unpack. From the reveal of a nee Luigi’s Mansion game, to new gameplay of DLC for Splatoon and Xenoblade 2, to the announcement of a reamake of the original Luigi’s Manion for 3ds and so much Final Fantasy content there was certainly enough info to keep us happy for months.
The biggest reveals for me however was of course the new Smash Bros character revealed, Isabelle from Animal Crossing! While initially many people thought she would simply be an echo fighter for Villager it seems as though she is bringing a whole new kit with her which certainly makes her a far more interesting fighter. Alongside this news it was also revealed that a new Animal Crossing game for the Switch would be coming out in 2019 which I may have screamed a fair bit about.
As an Animal Crossing fan this was a great Direct and I can’t wait to see what other information they will bring out about both Smash and this new Animal Crossing game. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.