So this is the absolute not biggest surprise of the century, the HTC Vive is getting a brand new model AND a wireless adapter. These two new pieces of hardware were shown off as one of HTC’s CES announcements and were met with much praise.
The wireless adapter is said to work with both the original Vive and this newer model and will mean that you won’t have an annoying wire trailing about behind you which is an absolute godsend for VR. The new headset however is where all the big changes happened, with it including built in microphones, a built in headset (which is very appreciated), a new more comfortable headstrap and higher resolutions for the screens which means the system will look much nicer and provide far mroe immersvie graphics.
Personally I saw this as an inevitability, and it’s one of the reasons why I never bought a VR headset in the first place. The original Vive was incredible but it had various issues which this new headset seems to fix. Now however I will wonder about the price as there is still no word as to what that is, knowing their track record it will cost you your soul for the basic unit.
Anyway what do you all think of this announcement? Are you excited for this new tech or are you annoyed that the older Vive is now essentially obselete? Be sure to let me know how you feel! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.