So interesting piece of news from the PS4 front. Apparently in one of the latest patches Sony have slyly unlocked the 7th core of their monster console. The console has a total of 8 cores and only really uses 6 at the same time so this is an intriguing change. What this should hopefully mean is that games should be able to (if necessary) call upon an extra slight bit of processing power for more resource intensive games.
Of course all of this is just rumour. A forum poster on the Beyond3D Developer site was the one who discovered this data and so many people have speculated what this could possibly mean. Could some games coming up require even more power or are they addressing complaints on current games that seemingly have problems with lag and slowdown? Who really knows, one day they might even unlock the 8th core! Only time will tell.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.