Losing Streaks are never fun no matter what situation you might be in. Doing your hardest in a multiplayer game only to be met with loss after loss due to either circumstances outside of your control (RNG) or you losing your cool after performing badly is surely to cause stress and anger which of course will only lead to more losses!
I recently had a bad case of this during one of my many sessions playing Duel Links. After experiencing so many losses I questioned why I still even played this game and put it down for a day. However upon picking it up again I calmed down, focused and tried to determine what went wrong from before. Personally I think that’s the best way to handle these situations as getting worked up about them will only lead to further problems. Calmness will lead to a better gaming experience, that’s what I think anyway.
Have you ever had a terrible losing streak? What was the reason and what did you do to alleviate this? Let me know what your circumstances were! That’s all for now and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.