Games are fairly complex, we all know that by now. There are a hundred-million processes and calculations going on in the background of most games, but what we don’t consider is the aspect of ourselves doing calculations in games to get interesting facts or become the most efficient at something.
Take Pokemon for example. There are so many calculations going on in the background of each battle that we can actually determine and figure out for ourselves. What the type of each move is, does it get STAB, what does this multiply the base power of the move by, how much damage will it do by calculating defence and health attributes etc etc. Games can be incredibly complex, but maybe that’s just part of the charm of why we love them so.
So what do you think about these type of complex equations in gaming? Do you find them interesting or do you hate the mere thought of algebra? Be sure to let us all know! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.