So today the Steam Summer Sale finally ends for this year, boo! In total I bought three games in this sale, that’s three more than I intended to get! The three I got were Hero Siege, Hammerwatch and Tales of Maj’Eyal. Funnily enough all three of them were retro style RPG’s with multiple classes, maybe I had a bit of an obsession during this sale.
Now my favourite of the three games was probably Hero Siege, considering I am still playing it regularly and trying out more and more new characters. Who knows this very well may keep me entertained for a long time. It says a lot when I also downloaded Diablo 2 during this time and I found myself enjoying Hero Siege more. Ahh well, now to wait for the winter sale! Maybe Stardew Valley might go on a better offer during this sale…
So what games did you all get during the Steam Summer Sale? Any great offers that I missed? Be sure to share your deals in the comments! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.