343 Industries have finally decided to show off more of Halo Infinite’s campaign with only a month and a bit left until release date and oh boy am I glad they decided to delay the initial release. It’s very clear from comparison shots that Halo Infinite looks far superior to when it was initially shown off with many textures looking fully realised, models looking better, lighting showing an overall massive improvement and in general the game just looks like a modern day release.
We also got some more story specific things shown off which I won’t spoil here but I must say I am certainly intrigued as to exactly how this will play out. I recently watched a full playthrough of Halo 5 to bring me up to speed with the events taking place in this latest installment so I am all prepared for when it releases in December! If you wanna check out the trailer yourself then the link it it is right here.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.