Tennocon 2021 just took place over the past weekend and we were shown a variety of new things for Warframe that are currently in development. We not only were shown the next primed Warframe, Nidus, but we were also shown concept art of the next frame in development known as Caliban who is slated to be related to the sentients, interesting stuff.
Of course the biggest announcements we had were the reveal that Warframe would be coming to mobile believe it or not and that both Cross-Play and Cross-Save were also slated to come out in the near future which will hugely increase not only the player count of the game but also allow a far easier time for friends to play together even if they are not on the same platform, excellent stuff.
The biggest reveal was an over 30 minute gameplay segment of the next big quest for Warframe, The New War, which will see players not just playing as themselves but also members of the enemy factions as they prepare for an invasion of the terrifying and alien creatures known as the Sentients. Digital Extremes have stated that this is the biggest quest that they have ever created and that it will not only feature a huge amount of extra lore, stories and cutscenes but will also really emphasise the ‘war’ aspect of the name by changing the gameplay surrounding this update to reflect that. It all sounds very interesting and I am looking forward to seeing what they have come up with when they release this later this year… hopefully.
Was there anything you found interesting about this year’s Tennocon? Share it with us in the comments below! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.