This year we aren’t getting E3 but that doesn’t mean we can’t get some big game announcements from online shows as the Summer Game Fest has allowed big game companies to show off what they have been working on. Now once again in my summaries I won’t be covering everything here but will instead just talk about the games that personally interested me. At the time of writing the Capcom showcase hasn’t started but if there is anything huge shown off there I will be sure to talk about it at a later point.
They started off with the opening event which had Street Fighter 6 taking the centre stage as we were finally shown some gameplay including the grand return of the series veteran fighter Guile. We also had some gameplay from the new Call of Duty, Saints Row, the reveal of a brand new RTS called Stormgate, a trailer for the next Warframe update, a new trailer for Marvel’s Midnight Suns and a complete remaster of The Last of Us for PS5. Certainly quite a few things shown off in the open.
The Devolver Digital showcase was next and aside from showing us more info about the wonderful looking Cult of the Lamb the game that most caught my attention was an adorable looking game known as The Plucky Squire which sees a 2d drawing adventurer come to life and explore a child’s bedroom and get into mischief. The visuals look gorgeous and I’m very excited to check it out.
Next up we had the Microsoft and Bethesda showcase. Of course we got to see the new vampire game Redfall and this time we actual saw some gameplay which looks to mix Left 4 Dead and vampires, interesting combo. They annnounced a brand new Minecraft game surprisingly known as Minecraft Legends which seems to be a Mount and Blade-style game with RTS elements and third-person adventuring. The game looks absolutely gorgeous but only time will tell if it ends up being a competent game or not. Diablo 4 surprisingly made an appearance to announce the final class for the game, The Necromancer (YES!) and while I thought I was seeing a brand new necromancy game which made me sad I’m still over the moon that I will get to play as my favourite class in Diablo 4. They also announced that the Persona series would finally be coming to Xbox, and by proxy, PC too through the Game Pass. Annoyingly though this doesn’t include the one game in the series that I really want to try out, Persona 5, which seems to be stubbornly stuck to the PS4 for some reason. Finally we of course finally got to see some gameplay of Starfield, Bethesda’s new big RPG, and from what was shown it looks to be a mix of Fallout 4 and No Man’s Sky which is certainly an… interesting choice. I’ll be sure to check the reviews before I end up diving into it myself I think.
Finally there was the PC Gaming Show which didn’t show too many big names this year. We had The Last Case of Benedict Fox which was a cool looking and creepy metroidvania that has a really cool sounding demon speaking in your ear the entire time, The Alters which is apparently a sci-fi narrative based game set with loads of different versions of your player character which sounds like a DID incuded nightmare, gameplay of the System Shock remake which looks absolutely incredible compared to the original, Scorn which looks like a Geiger-inspired nightmare fuel walking simulator game which promises to have some of the most interesting and grotesque scenery around and finally there was Agent 64 which is a hilarious looking homage to Goldeneye, wonder if it will play like it too…
Anyway that was everything thus far. Like I said there were many more announcement so if you’re interested then please check out the relevant streams so that you can enjoy all the content that was shown off. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.