It seems as though The Pokemon Company are experimenting with the games and systems they are trying out with the public and the announcements shown off during last night’s press conference certainly borders on the strange.
In terms of actual physical games that are being made the only new ones announced were a chinese version of the mobile game Pokemon Quest and another Detective Pikachu game for the Switch which plans to expand the story shown off in the first entry. They also announced another interesting mobile game known as Pokemon Masters which they state will have you interacting with and battling famous and noteworthy trainers from past Pokemon games. They didn’t show much off about these games however so we will need to wait for more information about them.
The two biggest things they announced however were focused more on applications for people. The first was ‘Pokemon Home’ which was stated to be a way for different devices and games to send Pokemon to a single location where they can interact with others and even allow trading. This was apparently the focus in bringing mobile devices and mainline games together which certainly seems like a good idea but we shall have to wait and see just what the functionality is like. The main thing however that people are already making memes about is Pokemon Sleep, an application and an add-on for Pokemon Go that will track people’s sleep patterns and reward them based on getting a good night sleep. The concept is certainly ridiculous however Pokemon Go did end up making more people active so hey maybe this will make people have a better sleep schedule, I have my doubts though. Now we wait till Wednesday where the true information that us Pokemon fans will be revealed, I can’t wait.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.