Another Bioware Casualty


With the devastating news for Bioware that EA were pulling the plug on the support of the Anthem rework it seems as though things are looking rather grim for the RPG studio and this is compounded even further by the new development that their current chief of staff, Jonathan Warner, is leaving the company.

His departure is stated through social media to be him “moving onto other things” which to us seems to imply that he wasn’t happy about the complete failure of Anthem and that makes a lot of sense considering he was the primary game director for the title. Still it’s interesting to see him leaving so publicly and it will be fascinating to see who replaces him and what this could mean for the company. With so many other projects Bioware are currently working on however I think they will be fine, or at least I hope.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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