Respawn Entertainment, creators of the Titanfall Series and Developers of Apex Legends, have recently been confirmed to be working on a brand new title that will be a completely new IP seperate from their previous entries thanks to people noticing a job advertisement that Respawn studio head Vince Zampella tweeted out.
The tweet in question is specifically asking for someone to work on a brand new IP and is looking for a coder who will be able to quote “Pioneer new ways to enable ‘adventuring until the heat death of the universe'” which is certainly a grand request. Many people have taken this to meaning that they are planning on making some kind of procedurally generating game due to the wording on the job advertisement but at this point we have no idea what it could be. I suppose only time will tell what Respawn are working on, hell we may even see what this is at the big EA gaming livestream this year!
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.