Nintendo released a new Direct which showed off a huge bunch of new Switch games that will be coming over the year. While a lot of the big games we were hoping to see didn’t turn up (looking at you Animal Crossing) we did get some interesting announcements.
The most interesting things from this Direct include a sequel to the hugely successful Mario Maker which is a strange move as we all just expected a Switch port but I suppose they have added enough features for it to be considered a brand new game. I just hope it will have enough features to justify the price. Secondly was a huge amount of info surrounding the new Fire Emblem game which looks like the Hogwarts video game we always wanted except with a more fighting armies rather than learning potions.
Thirdly was the strange but brilliant Tetris 99 which is, get this, a Tetris Battle Royale game. I know what you’re all thinking but having tried it out myself due to it being a free game for those who have Nintendo Switch online it’s actually strangely addicting and fun. Certainly a surprise for it to be released right after the Direct too. Finally of course was the huge announcement of a remake of the classic Zelda game, Link’s Awakening. This game was originally released on the classic Game Boy so seeing it with modern graphics is a delight. The art style goes for a more chibi-look which is a bit odd but I will hold my judgement until I see the full game myself.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.