Gaming can be a very important thing to some people and canc ome to them at both wonderful and difficult parts of their lives. When this happens, they can become so ingrained in our memories that they can change how we view the world and, more importantly, how we look back on our past.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and so I wanted to know from you all what is the game you would most consider ‘nostalgic’ for you. It can be a game that you have fond memories of, made friends in or even just the game you had the best time with. Mine would most probably be Halo 3 for all the wonderful memories it gave me as a child, but I’d like to hear your choices too! Leave them in the comments below and let’s go look into the past for a wee while.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.
Medal of Honor Allied assault will forever remain in my heart as the very first video game i played at the ripe old age of 5. It left such a mark on me that it influenced my life, both by introducing me into the wonderful world of video game while also made me desire to enroll in the army. A career that I AM currently following.