An interesting development just took place in the world of trademarks. Bandai Namco (yes I’m talking about them again) recently filed for a trademark under the Pac-Man name. Titled “Pac-Man Maker” most people believe that the company may very well be going for a Mario Maker type game allowing people to create their own levels of the classic 2D arcade game.
Of course all of this is complete speculation as Bandai Namco have filed for trademarks before with no projects coming out, instead focusing their efforts on keeping a grip on their intellectual properties or even creating something for the arcade scene as they are perhaps one of the few companies that still cater to that audience.
So what do you all think? Do you think this could be a new game in the works or do you believe the company are just keeping their trademark out of the hands of other people? Be sure to share your theories in the comments! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.