One event I didn’t really cover much of in the past few days was the Playstation Keynote that took place just a few days ago. This was mainly due to the fact that I don’t own a PS4 and thus have little to no interest in what Sony are offering for their console. However one title did stick out to me, a remaster of the PS1 game Medievil.
Now this game is one I played all the time in my childhood, and I adored it. A fun adventure/platforming game with a Tim Burton-Esque art style that focused upon the adventures of the resurrected corpse of an old cowardly knight, now that kind of creativity isn’t seen much these days outside of the Indie space. The remaster is coming to the PS4 however no release date was given, not even a slated release period so it seems as though this might be fairly early in development. Still the idea that people will be introduced to this wonderful game in 4K makes me a very happy man, I can’t wait to hear more details.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.