So a new year and a brand new set of games on its way to us to play this year. There are of course many different new titles this year that many are looking forward to but for myself the only title that I have a huge amount of anticipation for is the European release of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon.
Weird choice you might think, well actually the game has already been out for some time in both Japan and America so I’m looking forward to getting it as I love the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series and I want to see exactly how well it will hold up. Along with that I also ordered a copy of Super Mario Maker which should be coming in a few days so expect me to talk about it a lot and maybe even do a better late than never review of it! Aside from those I can’t really remember off the top of my head what new games are coming this year… I’ll be sure to mention it if I do remember!
So what games are you all looking forward to this year? Be sure to let us all know! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.