Sometimes when you see something in a game that blows you away, the design of a weapon, the function of a cool piece of armor, you just wish that it was real and you can purchase whatever it is you are fantasising about. Luckily for us replicas are our answer allowing us to get out hands on some amazing merchandise that help us to feel like we are taking a little bit of the gaming world back into our own.
I recently have wanted to purchase several pieces of armor just so that I could own my very own full suit of knights armor, and video games are something that has attributed to this obsession. Perhaps it’s the idea of looking like a hero in shining armor, or even just wielding some of the most badass weapons in gaming history while also looking cool. Either way replicas are something I always look forward to purchasing, my Majora’s Mask that hangs on my living room wall is perhaps my absolute favourite. Looking at it every day helps to remind me of the fond memories I had with that game.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.