I havem’t been really keeping up to date with the development of the indie horror title known as Hello Neighbour however I certainly have heard a huge buzz around it. Everyone seems to think it will be the new Five Night’s at Freddys and while I’m not too sure about that the game does indeed look rather interesting.
I bring this up as the game recently revealed that it will officially be launching on August 29 with a PC release and a newly announced Xbox One release too. Will I be playing it? Perhaps, it would really have to interest me though, but the premise alone may sell me on it, and certainly from theur latest trailer in which they show off the advanced AI of the villain it seems to be a creepy venture.
So are you interested in this game? If so why is that? Be sure to comment and let us all know. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.