Finally I am back from my week off with no internet to keep me company, truly dark times. Everything is back in working order now and we can return to our regularly scheduled content! I’ve got a fair few topics I’d like to cover over the coming days so be sure to stay tuned to the site and see what I have to say.
I wanted to also take this opportunity to ask you all to give your suggestions about what I discuss/review next. I’m always willing to try out new things and as long as I have the time for it I will be sure to take any suggestions into consideration. At least that way I know that you are all happy reading my content and that I can provide at least a little bit of entertainment for you all. So comment however you wish, in the comments here, on my facebook page or even on my twitter account. I’ll be watching and waiting.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.