So during the 3DS focused Nintendo Direct today many new games were announced for the system which should hopefully bring new life to the system. A 3DS version of Mario Maker showed up which was interesting however the big game that was revealed in my opinion was a brand new Pikmin game exclusively for the 3DS.
This new entry in the series is toted as being a side-scrolling game rather than the traditional 3D adventure game that the Pikmin series has been known for, it seems like an interesting development. Will the new game be as good as the series it follows? Well considering it is one of the favourite game series of Nintendo then I have good faith in it! While I haven’t played any of the other Pikmin games myself I still see their appeal and I look forward to seeing how this game pans out.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.