Once again another vet from the Bungie Halo days has left Microsoft for other pastures it would seem, this time being Frank O’Connor who was well beloved by the Halo community and during the Bungie days was the Chief Creative Director. He left 343 as a pseudo-head of the company and seems to have left on amiable terms, though considering the circumstances it’s highly likely that this was also influenced by the massive round of lay-offs at the studio.
It seems then that most of the old guard is gone, and who knows really where this will leave the Halo franchise. Most are convinced that this is the death of Halo however I’m not so sure. I think this will definitely be a big blow, and perhaps this will put it on a retirement spiral, but I am of the impression that Halo will eventually return as it always seems to do. I’m interested to see how this affects Halo Infinite’s lifespan in the long run but for now I suppose all we can do is wait and see.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.