While Total War: Warhammer 3 just came out and had a wee bit of a rocky start it is receiving a massive amount of backlash on Steam reviews for nothing to do with the actual game itself bizzarely enough.
While there are a lot of reviews citing long load times, problems with bugs and bad performance on machines due to DRM one of the strangest things seems to be a huge amount of Chinese players mass disliking the game. After some research it seems as though Sega’s handling of promotion of the game in China is the reason for all this backlash as it has been stated that many Chinese influencers and strategy game enthusiasts did not receive pre-release copies or the ability to stream the game prior to release but instead loads of high popularity but non-gaming channels were given copies instead such as food and animal streamers. Such things annoyed the Chinese market so much that they decided to take out their frustrations by mass-disliking the game’s review score in an attempt to sabotage the release and hopefully get the games out to their favourite streamers.
It’s a bizzare situation but one in which it’s ultimately a big shame as Chinese players have found themselves completely unable to have an outlet to complain to Sega and CA. Hopefully this situation will be resolved soon and the actual criticism of the game can become known instead, there are things that need talked about.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.