The Pokemon Company recently had a livestream showing off a bunch of new Pokemon games that were coming out this year and also announced that they would be revealing a big new title next week too so we have even more to look forward to!
The first thing they announced was a free smartphone app designed to help small children learn and cope with brushing their teeth called Pokemon Smile, not exactly a game but a nice little app nonetheless. Secondly we got information about another mobile app but this one is actually a puzzle game called Pokemon Cafe which looks quite unique as puzzle games go and has a very pretty art style to go along with it.
We also got some news about Pokemon GO updates including the announcement of some new creature events and the fact that Mega Evolution is finally coming to the game in some way which is exciting to hear about. Finally, the big one. New Pokemon Snap, yes you heard that right. Bandai Namco are creating a brand new Pokemon Snap title for the Switch after a hiatus on the series for over 20 years despite fans desperately asking for a new title. I for one am incredibly hyped from it and while we don’t have a release date for it yet the fact that we know it’s at least coming is enough happy news.
That was everything announced in this stream, I just hope the ‘big’ game next week is remakes of Diamond and Pearl, now that would get me very interested. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.