Microsoft and 343 Industries continue to have setback after setback with another big name in the industry deciding to leave their ranks, this time being Joseph Staten, a huge name from Bungie that worked on the original Halo series as a writer.
It’s no secret that 343 has been bleeding talent for a long time, hell Joseph was taken on specifically to try and fix the brain drain on the studio, but it appears that shortly after the firing of thousands of employees all across Microsoft, most heavily from 343, Joseph decided enough was enough and that he was done too. Now he was working with the publishing arm at this point so it’s not like he was directly working on games right now but it’s still a huge loss and may in fact show that modern day 343 is just not really up to the par with taking on a franchise as large as Halo. I for one will be very interested to see where he goes from here and ultimately I wish him the best.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.