The Indonesian Block

A lot of unhappy people…

A lot of gaming and financial services in Indonesia have just been blocked by the government thanks to the introduction of new legislation that enforces the gathering of users personal data if they deem it to be ‘unlawful’ or ‘a threat to public order’ and is being enforced by a communication branch of the government known as Kominfo.

The services that have been blocked include Steam, Epic Games, Nintendo services and even most worryingly Paypal which has sent a lot of small businesses into a panic following their inability to actually perform financial transactions. As you may expect from all of this the country is in outrage at this enforcement and will no doubt lead to wider usage of VPN’s and other services to get around the block. Hopefully some kind of compromise will come into effect but it seems as though they may be stuck in the dark for the long haul unfortunately.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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