Back in the day Tabletop gaming was one of the biggest names in the industry. The original D and D, Warhammer, Vampire: The Masquerade all these names will be familiar to those who visited their local Games Workshop and gathered around their friends to go adventuring on the space of a small table.
Nowadays the genre is a bit niche due to the difficulty of getting everyone together however a new Kickstarter game is attempting to make this experience that much more easier and exciting. Talespire touts itself as the ultimate Tabletop role-playing experience as you build your worlds square by square, set up the rules and mechanics of the world and let’s you play with others to roll dice, explore and do some adventuring. While I’m not into the scene I certainly see the potential in this idea so I wish it all the best luck and hey to those who like the idea of an online and customisable tabletop experience then maybe throw the makers some of your money to make this project come true. It might be one of the best investments of your life.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.