We finally got it, after so long we finally will have the Master Chief Collection on PC, I never thought I’d see the day. The Inside Xbox stream last night confirmed that the MCC will be on PC later this year and even better not only will it be on the Windows Store but it will also be on Steam, pinch me I’m dreaming.
Not only was this announced but also Halo Reach will be coming to the collection too which is amazing as it wasn’t in the original release. It will of course be coming to the Xbox One version too but it will be on PC as the first piece of content. Unfortunately with how they are handling the release on a new system they are breaking the game up into each installment in the series with each subsequent one being added in an update in the future. This means that while Reach is starting us off Halo 3, my favourite, will be one of the last additions to the game. Still the knowledge that it is coming at all makes me happy and I still love Reach so this will certainly be a day one purchase for me. Now all we need is a release date, maybe that event that Xbox is hosting this Sunday will tell us more…
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.