Bethesda have tried to utilise the hype of the Fallout TV Show to get people more interested in Fallout 4 by releasing a ‘Next-Gen’ update to both PC and Consoles recently it’s… well… not great.
For consoles the update seems to be fine bringing much needed performance and graphical improvements as well as integrating some Creation Club content into the base game. For PC however… well the update seems to have caused more damage than it has new things. Mods have been broken, new bugs have been added despite old bugs being claimed to be patched, no real graphical improvements have really been noticed and overall it just seems to be a bit of a terrible update in general with many choosing to actively roll back their patches to get to the more stable build. Another day, another Bethesda product being buggy and actively detrimental to some at launch, deary me. Let’s hope the next Elder Scrolls game doesn’t follow suit… oh who am I kidding.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.