Yacht Club Games earlier last week hosted a direct-like event in which they gave us some updates as to the projects they are currently working on. Alongside giving us information about developments in Shovel Knight Dig and revealing they are working on two secret projects they also showed off a game they are helping to publish, Cyber Shadow, and a brand new game called Shovel Knight: Pocket Dungeon.
Both games revealed keep the lovely retro aesthetic that Yacht Club Games are well known for and are strikingly different which is a nice thing to see. Cyber Shadow sees you play as a ninja warrior who must avenge his clan by defeating an army of robots and the game plays like a cross between Megaman and Ninja Gaiden, a mashup of difficulty I’m sure many hardcore gamers will appreciate. On the other hand Shovel Knight: Pocket Dungeon is what they describe as a “Rogue-like Puzzle Game” in which you play as Shovel Knight on a quest to do… puzzles. It looks a bit like a platformer crossed with tetris which is a very bizzare combination but a welcome one nonetheless.
I personally cannot wait to see what other projects this company have in store for us and I eagerly await to see if the games they showed off end up being a big success. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.