If you’ve been keeping up with the exciting Steam release of one of the most complex games ever released, Dwarf Fortress, then you will be happy to know that the game will finally be let loose on the denizens of Steam on December 6th.
This release will include the standard fortress mode, the legends mode and of course a completely revamped visual style which will allow you to actually see what you’re doing without having to learn an entire new visual language. It will even come with a tutorial, how’s that for helping new players!?
If you’ve never played Dwarf Fortress then it’s essentially a fantasy simulation game that has so many systems and complex mechanics within it that it is quite simply the best simulation of a fantasy world ever created. It’s an absoluter must-play for those interested in the genre and like myself if you’ve wanted an excuse to easily jump in and try it out then this simplified and streamlines Steam release will be your best excuse to do so. Just be prepared to have grand adventures to tell your grandkids about…
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.