Hogwarts Legacy has had a difficult development time, especially when taking into account that they are dealing with a world created by a … ‘troubling’ author. Nonetheless however the game itself looks quite nice but much to the dismay of many fans of the series it seems as though that the game is once again being delayed.
The game is now set to release on 10th February 2023 and is due to wanting to make “The best possible game experience” which is an excuse that is heard by many over the years. Considering the particularly troubled history of this game and the series in general it’s not tough to get some Cyberpunk 2077 vibes from this news however I’m happy to hold my judgement until the game actually comes out. I guess we will see if this really does end up being a massive failure or not, WB certainly can’t afford it to be.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.