
Troubles are amiss…

Yet more Star Wars game news, who would have thought!

It seems as though things are not going great over at Aspyr as their most recent project, a full remake of Bioware’s beloved Knights of the Old Republic RPG has been put on indefinite hold following a vertical slice showcase, not looking great for the survival of this title.

A Vertical Slice, for those that don’t know, is essentially a small showcase of what the game is and what it can do. This is shown to investors or publishers and used as a way to secure funding or showcase the work they have done on the game in that time. As you might imagine then considering this all happened immediately after they showed this off shows that perhaps the game wasn’t doing too great.

Even more shockingly is that both the studio’s Art director, Jason Minor, and it’s Design Director, Brad Prince, were both fired following this whole fiasco. The vertical slice was shown to executives at Lucasfilm and Sony so it is most likely that they did not like whata they saw and aren’t sure if they will bother continuing with the project or not. It’s a shame as it’s a project that many people were very interested in but if this is the state of it then I guess there is not much else we can do. I just hope someone else picks up the work to make sure it doesn’t all go to waste.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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