Another year has gone by with another Blizzcon and this year’s one felt particularly… corporatey. Still, there are plenty of announcements to talk about so let’s get straight to that shall we?
First off the chopping block was World of Warcraft and they announced a new part of their Shadowlands expansion, Chains of Domination, though as someone who doesn’t play WoW I couldn’t tell you too much about it but I’m sure it’s very exciting for veteran players. The also announced that The Burning Crusade, WoW’s first expansion will be coming to World of Warcraft Classic which seemingly defeats the point to me but perhaps this has been a much requested content addition to the game.
Next up was Diablo and we were shown off a new class for Diablo 4, the rogue, with all her acrobatic and ranged gameplay. The biggest announcement however and perhaps the biggest thing for the whole event was the reveal of Diablo 2: Resurrected, a full HD remaster of the classic entry in the series. It seems as though many consider 2 to be the best in the series and so this is a nice surprise for many. Though considering how Warcraft 3: Reforged went, I would be very wary.
Hearthstone is getting a new rogue-like mode known as Mercenaries and is getting a brand new card set taking place in The Barrens and so as such it will be very Horde focused. For Overwatch they didn’t actually announce anything on the main show but instead told in a side showcase about the changes to tank roles, a few new maps and more gameplay of the new hero for Overwatch 2, Sojourn. It almost feels as though Blizzard has forgotten about the original game which is becoming more stagnant over the years and with no official release date for the sequel in sight it’s a worrying sign for this franchise.
And that would be your lot. Aside from Diablo I feel as though this year’s show was a bit of a flop but I’m sure many people are excited for the different projects and games shown and I personally am hopeful that they don’t mess up the Diablo 2 remaster, but I won’t hold my breath. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.