Ahem… sorry, I will calm down now. The Overwatch Anniversary Event has officially started, celebrating the second year that the game has been out for. Many new skins have been released, including the beautiful one you see above you. Also interestingly they decided to re-release all of the older skins from previous events during the period that this celebration runs, so at least it gives you another opportunity to buy a skin you missed out on!
Unfortunately this also means that it will be nearly impossible to get the thing you want from Loot Boxes alone, so that’s a bit terrible for us who will never ever put money into this terrible system. Alongside this new cosmetic content was also the release of a brand new Free-For-All map set in southern Jordan. The map has a breakable floor and a ‘super’ health pack so it should provide some interesting gameplay for players to exploit. I shall be playing a lot more of Overwatch during this event and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for the game.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.