Well that was a rather disappointing Smash reveal, Well I shouldn’t really say that, we did indeed get a new character reveal and thus have more content for Smash which in itself is a good thing however it seems as though the Fire Emblem curse has struck again with yet another character from that franchise, Byleth.
Byleth comes from the latest game in the franchise, Three Houses, which makes sense as to why they are being included here as a representative of their game however I cannot be the only one that is sick of having so many Fire Emblem characters that are just variations of a person with some kind of medieval weapon. Sure this character has many different weapons to choose from in combat but that combined with their lackluster personality just doesn’t click for me.
Maybe it’s just because I never played Three Houses and thus have no real hype behind these characters but at least we got other news. They revealed some new Mii costumes including a really cool looking Cuphead one so that was nice to see. We also were told that an additional DLC character would be added onto the second wave of fighters so even more bang for our buck I suppose! I’m going to try and look at this positively as while this new reveal may not be my cup of tea I’m sure a lot of other people are happy and so I say good for them!
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.