An Exciting Week

I couldn’t really find a better image to represent this ok?

It seems we have an exciting week coming up with lots of new releases and big events for games I like to play coming up, so here’s a quick summary!

Firstly tomorrow will be the release of the new Abyss of Dagath update for Warframe which will see a massive life of quality of life features as well as a spooky new warframe to play as. On the 19th will be the release of The Necromancer class to Warhammer: Vermintide 2 which, if you know me at all, is what immediately caught my interest in the game. Finally on the 20th we have the release of Super Mario Wonder which I will be playing with my fiancé and reviewing on that basis, so plenty to talk about this week! I will go into more depth with each individual release on each of the days so stay tuned for those!

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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