I haven’t been too interested in cloud gaming due to my powerful PC but I am aware of many people who have been interested in such a thing. Having access to a wealth of games that can play at a high quality without needing to worry about having the correct PC specs is a dream come true to many who simply cannot afford such powerful hardware and it seems as though Microsoft may be thinking of making the process even easier.
Recently a rumour has popped up about an interesting device being developed internally at Microsoft codenamed ‘Keystone’. This device is said to function similarly to how google’s Chromecast dongle works in that you simply take the device, plug it into a suitable PC or TV and utilise Microsoft’s cloud gaming services through the local internet connection. Such an idea sounds incredible and would open the door to the potential of allowing cloud gaming to work as a mobile alternative to lugging around a gaming laptop or console and this could very well be the thing that kicks the cloud gaming scene into mass market appeal.
Of course these are just rumours at the moment and even though these details have been talked about it was also said that the device is far from done and will need a lot more work completed before it’s even ready to be shown so at the moment this seems like a potential future for the market but not much more than that. I personally love the idea and if they linked it up to the offerings of Microsoft’s Game Pass then this could be a big thing indeed. I guess we will simply have to wait for any announcement from Microsoft and see if Xbox will end up being the biggest winners of the gaming sector this year.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.