For all those that are interested yes I am once again still talking about Enderal, the fantastic standalone game created using the Skyrim engine that is an absolute must-play in my opinion. While the original creators of the mod have moved on to a brand new adventure there are many who are still very interested in Enderal and wish for it to be as perfect of an experience as it can be, and this may very well do that.
A group of modders have conducted arcane sorcery and have successfully ported the entire game to the Skyrim Special Edition engine which brings with it massive a performance boost, lighting engine improvements, smoother gameplay and a host of engine and vanilla bug fixes that will make Enderal an overall stabler and more fun experience. Honestly if you haven’t had the joy of experiencing this game before then this may very well be the best time to check it out as there will even be a standalone Steam version of the Special Edition port which is planned to come out in March. So if you want to manually patch it in then just download the mod directly from the link below but if you want to wait until you can have it in your Steam library then hold off just a little while longer, you won’t regret it.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.