Do you all remember not too long ago that I mentioned Frictional Games were teasing a brand new project slowly over the past few weeks, well it seems as though all that teasing has finally payed off as they have revealed their newest entry in the Amnesia series, Amnesia: Rebirth, to be released in Autumn of this year.
The game supposedly takes place in Algeria this time rather than the old castles of the previous entry or the mechanical hell-hole of Machine for Pigs and features a lot of desert and ancient ruin environments. Perhaps this will reveal more about the lore of the world as it branches out more but all I can say is thatg the game looks gorgeous and it’s nice to see the company return to the series which made their name big. Youtube let’s players will finally have their day again.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.