Next up on the list of stuff that I can’t keep up to date with due to only posting daily (I really should come up with a better name for that, maybe Jinxism…) is Far Cry: New Dawn, that post-apocalyptic thing that was announced a few days before the award ceremony that got a trailer and new details.
Turns out that it is indeed a brand new game that continues the story from Far Cry 5. The cultists are back and meaner than ever but more importantly with it being an apocalyptic setting there is a bigger emphasis on survival and crafting unique and interesting weapons. Not so much was revealed about the story natually but for me it looks like a fun single-player romp that is being priced accordingly for it being a side-game to Far Cry 5. I just hope that this ends up being more of a success than 76 was.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.