Talk about surprising us all while we are stuck in our homes! Nintendo decided seemingly out of the blue to bless us with another Nintendo Direct which has given us quite a few pieces of info for games in the coming months.
Firstly they showed us the remaster of Xenoblade Chronicles which is stated to also include brand new content for the game alongside just remastering the original game which is sure to make fans of that series very happy. We were also shown a bunch of new indie games, some of which were released right after the Direct ended such as the really fun looking game called ‘Good Job!’ which is like a silly job simulator crossed with Untitled Goose Game. They also showed off gameplay of Bravely Default 2 which has now suddenly grabbed my attention by showing new gameplay features similar to that of Octopath Traveller and having a cool as hell looking Scottish guy as part of the main party and it even has a free demo out now, sign me up!
We also got a look at a bunch of Switch ports too including a remaster of the cult classic Panzer Dragoon and Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. They talked about a new Animal Crossing patch which would bring an easter themed event to the game although why this isn’t included in the game itself but is being distributed via a patch is bizzare to me. They also of course talked about Smash with the big reveal being that the new fighter would be a character from ARMS, the switch exclusive fighting game featuring people with springs for arms which is sure to make an interesting fighter addition. Finally they discussed more about the upcoming Pokemon Sword/Shield DLC and discussed some of the new creatures and features would be coming with it.
Overall it was a nice surprise for Nintendo just to drop this on us. We definitely needed some good news and it looks like we got some, roll on the rest of 2020! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.