Video Game Dragons

He’s behind me isn’t he?

Dragons are pretty cool. Fighting dragons in games is pretty cool. Channeling the powers of dragons to use in combat is the epitome of cool. Thus, by proxy, most dragon related media is instantly cool!

Dragons have been a long standing part of many fantasy games, from bosses, to allies to even themed classes or playstyles there’s a type of dragon for anyone that wants to experience a giant, scaly beast. My query to you all then is, what are some of your favourite dragons in gaming? Personally, if I’m going for classic dragons, then the ones from the Dark Souls series are all pretty spectacular even if the camera would sometimes disagree. If going non-traditional, then you can do much better than the purple runt that is Spyro, love that guy. So share your favourite dragons and lets see if there is a particular favourite!

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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