I have been unemployed for several months lately which has left me a lot of spare time. Alongside my usual ritual of looking for jobs and exercising I of course take the time to play plenty of video games as I never had this much time to spare while I was working.
My current condition has actually allowed me to play several titles that I had on a bucket list which has been a great experience for me. I don’t think I would have bothered to play these games if I didn’t have the time to spare however it also brings other problems. The biggest one being that employers tend to take a long time to get back to me regarding interviews and jobs, thus most of my spare time is just waitinfg for replies. During this time I of course game but it tends to make me burn out on experiences that I did sparingly before and that helped me to constantly enjoy myself. It’s a shame as it’s both a positive and a negative to be playing more games and just wanting to get a job as quickly as possible. I suppose that’s just the unfortunate nature surrounding the job search however.
Have any of you been stuck between jobs and using gaming as your pass time? What games did you play and how did you feel? Share your experiences in the comment section! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.