With my online crisis ended I’m reflecting on some of the games I tried out while I was offline, one of which being Minecraft. I haven’t played it in a long time, not since I think they just added End Cities which was a long time ago by now. So it was certainly a surprise to return to the game and find how so much has changed.
The world looked a lot more detailed, the UI was different, new features and items were everywhere and all in all this was like arriving in a completely new game. It was a great experience as it almost helped to recapture the original experience I had playing Minecraft for the first time. I’ve had this happen a few times before but only a select few truly help to make my return feel special and remind me of why I loved the initial game.
I’m interested to know if any of you have had this same type of experience when returning to an old game of yours that was considered a favourite, do let us all know in the comments section! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.